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Scholarship Details

The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia is happy to announce the details of the 2025 Scholarship Program. The application process opens on November 15th 2024.  The Scholarship will be awarded in 2025 in the amount of $1,620.  Our goal is to encourage interest in the Mayflower Society,  with a focus on the impact of the ship, the voyage and the passengers, on the lives of young people today. 

The Scholarship will be paid directly to the school in which the applicant is enrolled unless the student provides proof of scholarships or financial aid given by the school that would be negatively impacted by the amount being paid to the school. In such a case, upon approval by the Scholarship Committee, the award will be issued to the applicant directly.


Applicant Must:

  • Be or have been accepted to be a fulltime student in a US-based, two or four-year college or university undergraduate program, trade school or other accredited institution of undergraduate higher learning.

  • Be a Member in good standing of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia.

  • Or be Junior Member in good standing of the Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia

  • Or have a direct lineage connection to a Member or Junior member of the Society of Mayflower Descenants in the District of Columbia, such as a child, grandchild, great-grandchild, niece, nephew, or grand niece, nephew.


                 APPLICATION PROCESS

The application process consists of the following:   
● A completed and signed application submitted by February 28, 2025 to the Scholarship Committee Chair. The application can be found at this link:    
  2025 Scholarship Application
● A Mayflower Lineage Match (MLM) form that shows the candidate’s line of descent from at least one Mayflower passenger.                                    Mayflower Lineage Match Form
● Documentation of intended or existing full-time student status at the eligible institution.
● Unofficial academic transcripts for the prior academic year. The applicant will explain why if not available.
● An essay of no more than 1000 words responding to the question, “What impact does the Mayflower crossing of 1620 have on your life?” Write about a particular event during the crossing, an outcome of the crossing, or a Passenger that relates to your life. Support this exploration with at least 3 primary or secondary sources.

                   JUDGING CRITERIA                      Each Applicant’s submission will be judged based on applicant’s compliance with eligibility requirements, academic record, and essay.



Applications must be received by the Scholarhip Committee Chairman by February 28, 2025

​                                                          CONTACT                          Application materials should be sent to: 

Ann M. Campbell

Scholarship Committee Chairman

    The Scholarship Committee will invite the selectee to participate in the               Society of Mayflower Descendants in the District of Columbia                   May 21st 2025 Membership Luncheon Meeting. 


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